The magical power of gratitude | Show Gratitude

Being thankful for everything what we have,must be our top priority.But do we ever shown gratefulness for that."No" I think the most common answer will be "No".Yes most of us don't do that but do you ever consider the power of thankfulness.
Showing gratitude to everything is a habbit of successful people.But why they do that? Do you wanna know the secret behind the gratitude and the magical power of gratitude? If Yes then must read this article till end...... 
Hey Readers,

A very warm greetings to you and all.Have you ever heard about gratitude?If no then it simply means showing thankfulness.So the question begins from here- We all have some desire in our life and some of us has achieved many of it.But do we ever 
Showed gratitude to it.Mostly No well it's all about thankfulness, nature has provided various facilities to us in the form of land,water,air,etc.
But we never showed our gratitude to it.Well being thankfulness is our nature,we show greatfullness to every people but not same with the nature.Why so?
Let me ask you a simple question and try to answer it comment session.
Do you believe whatever we have is just because of nature? Whether you see it as a God.
If Yes then read this article carefully today you will learn something which will help you in you entire life.
Guys we show gratefulness to all people who has helped us in past.But not same with nature,You believe that everything you have is just because of nature.Whatever desire you have would be fulfilled by nature but you never showed gratefulness to her.So how she can give you more?How you expect something from her.lets crack my vision by seeing one example-
Let's assume that you need some urgent money for some work and you borrowed it from your friend X.After someday You needed some more cash so you ask it for again.This time again your same friend X has helped you....Now would your friend X will help you next time.You never showed your gratitude to him at anytime and you never gaved money back.So let's relate this theory with nature...You ask for many things and nature provide it without any cash.she just need your hard work and struggle but in return you never showed gratitude.So how can nature give you more,when your friend hasn't helped you.
That's what I'm trying to get you always show your gratitude to everything what you have.When you do that nature understand that you have some value for her gift.She (nature) always try to give you just have to show some gratefulness.Did you know the most important thing is that the Gratitude cost no cash... it's absolutely free you just have to give your 5 minutes.That's all!

Let's see it by some grate full people's vision:
1.Bill Gates - The founder of Microsoft and a great philosopher sir bill gates says that showing gratitude is an art towards success.when you present it to nature,You get more from her.Being thankful for everything whether it's a problem no matter you should have to thank that.
Specially for young entrepreneurs he says that-Showing gratitude will help you to reach your goal faster than ever.It helps you to develop Great leadership.

So now the question arises that- how we can show our gratitude for everything?
and what does the everything mean?

Let's get it step be step...
Here everything means all over facilities from where you get a little or big smile,that must be considered in everything.
Example: Natural things, unnatural,your parents and everything that you have must be thankful from you.

So how to show it?
It's very simple process you just have to give your 5 minutes and follow these important steps ... that's all!

Take a book and a pen and start writing the list of things you have.

Step 2.
Now write on another with starting with these sentence " Today I'm grateful for....."
Now take a help of first page and write it after for..
* Today I'm grateful for this blog
* Today I'm grateful for my food

That's all for today guys if you wanna more about these blog then do comment in comment session and follow us on 
Facebook Abhishek ojha 

Thank you all...


Author & Editor

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  1. Replies
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    1. Thank you shifa hope for the same of luck

  5. Thanks for sharing this..


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