Goal setting | how to set goals

Experts define goal setting as the act of selecting a target or objective you wish to achieve. Fair enough

The goals setting

Hello one and all let me start this article with a simple question - Do you know about the goal setting and its amazing power? I know most of you are familiar with the word “GOAL” but do you really know about it? Looks interesting naa! Just stay connects with us and let’s understands the whole theory behind goal setting and its amazing power. Let me start with interesting quotes about goal setting “a letter without address will reach no were,” similarly with the goal “a man will reach no were without a goal” that mean goal is to important so let’s start with a basic and further we understand whole.


A common man has many dreams in life; whether its night dream or day dream but do they really want to achieve it. I think most of us will answer yes but do they really work for it! Or do they try to make some strategies for it – “no” but why I’m talking about on this topic well I think it starts from dream so it really matter. A goal is set when you have some dream and you are passionate to achieve it. So what do you think a goal is just for career option like you wanna be something commonly called engineers,doctors,etc.No definitely your goal might to be a doctor,engineers,etc but a goal is for something that you want in life. It might be good home, car, luxury life or smaller to pen. You can make anything with goal setting. But what you need to consider is process behind goal setting and I make you assure that you will achieve but thing matter is your struggle and handwork behind the process. So till now you have understood about goal in simple words we can recall it as “a dream or desire which we want to achieve in future with a clear road map”.

Let me make you feel better with a clear example – “let’s assume that you need a bike in future and you make it as a goal, so the process it required to achieve a bike is considered to be road map like first of all you required to choose a bike. Then its price and the way you get that amount are all included in one term road map.

So the question stands here that – “Did everything could be consider as a goal, like the unwanted dreams, or something which is vulnerable?” the simple answer is No you can’t consider anything as a goal till it satisfy the needs. Here you have to go with smart goals formula –


S: specific

M: measurable

A: attainable

R: realistic

T: timely


Let’s go with goals setting formula:

Now you all have well known to goal, now its time to setup – a step by step process with an example. it will help you to set your first goal too. Let me tell you that this formula is really working formula and many successful people have achieved many things from it.

The setup to goal setting:

Example: let’s assume that person A wanna something like car and he want it within years but not specified

Step 1: First of all you have to set goal like person A

Step 2: Try to get the color picture of it and frame it with a fix valid time, it could be 2-4 months like persona A has to setup the color picture of car and frame it with a clear fixed date

Step 3: Now fixed the frame in front of your bedroom or somewhere where you always spend most of your time, it could be above the TV or anywhere. E.g. Person A has fixed the frame in front of his cabin where he spends most of his time.

Step 4: Now take a paper and wrote 10 things that you have to do, to achieve your goal like person A has written; work hard, extra work, second source of income, savings, budgets, etc

Step 5: publicized your goal with 10 people and tell them the date e.g. person A has announced in his office that he will buy a new car in next 2 months.

Step 6: Start working on paper list and let the nature decide your future.

That’s it guys you just have to follow these simple 6 steps and do one more thing make a punishment list on daily basis for your work. Friends I have tried this formula and it really work but the thing matter is your passion, struggle,patience and discipline.

Guys this formula has tried by many successful people but they don’t reveal their secrets that’s it so just understand the power off formula and start working from today.


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