The amazing power of books:
Whenever I tried to talk about on this topic I got lots of idea,it's my favourite one- let me tell you some amazing power of books and then some tricks which will really helpful in reading books!
We all have readen many books till know, whether you are students or older grandpa,but do you ever recognized it's special power which will change your whole life ? Not yet,No problem let's dig it!
Let's me begin this article with simple question-
What does a really book mean?
You all have different answer or similar one,I don't know but I think a book really mean for the way or mode of communication between author one to reader.In another word it's like a life journey story or some fictional imagination or experience of knowledge,etc.But the thing I concluded Common in every books is different- when you tried to read a simple book,let me take a example of autobiography of Richard Branson: Virginity and other books like biography of Steve jobs,etc- You will find one thing Common these books showcase an idea of living environment of these characters.You will find difficulties,the joy moment and the other one's too in your world.
Not just with biography or autobiography,
You will find the same in other books too,
Have you ever noticed the words written in books- they are well planned they acts in real manner,You feel it whenever you think about these words you will get a glimpse of whole summary of these particular books.
Not yet imagined what I'm talking about?
Well let me go with the amazing power of books which you will feel after reading some amazing books which I will recommend you in last...
So what could be the amazing power of books:
The imagination: whenever you will read books,not for few minutes then you will get the feel of something real in the world.You get an idea about their situation,You imagined one and everything that is present in real world..But what does it really mean for? For the answer of this question you need to know about imagination power - according to success people imagination is the First step towards success.
Let me get you this in one question...Do you know how many times a Taj Mahal was made up ?
Everyone has similar answer one and only one time! But that's wrong it was madeup 2 times but how ? First in the imaginary world and then the real one... Just think about it if the creator doesn't imagined the Taj Mahal he could be able to made it...
Similarly when you read books you get a imagination power ... Which will help you to imagine anything and everything which could be best in the rest... Every invention that changed the world whether it is ... aeroplane,lightbulb,a pin or anything was first made in imaginary world and then in real world....
The another amazing power of books that could really help you is-
The wisdom, knowledge or creativity:
I know these all mean different but whenever you read a books you get a whole wisdom, knowledge and the experience that the author felt in his life in just few pages.. So can't you get benefited with it... Absolutely you will .. You can use these all in your life and implement it as you want..But the main thing I learned from books is Discipline.
Books can taught you anything..It just need a formal way of attention in discipline manner..When you learnt discipline you learnt everything.. because according to great thinkers...
A man without Discipline is like a ship without radar...
You didn't get an idea where to move ...
Now the things I concluded till know ...You too can enjoy book reading and learn anything that can help you in your goal statement...
Guys one of the main secret behind success is just read it one and everything you want...
So do you need a list of books which will really help you...then just Click here
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