Customers are the main factor for any
business, making a new and loyal customer is one the biggest goal for any
business. No matter whether your business is small or big, there is always a
need of new or existing customer but it has been seen in most of business that
there is always a trend of making new customer. We all know how important a
customer is for business? Whether it is vegetable vendor at a road side or an
IT company in Silicon Valley. But what do we get from different reports and
researched data by business universities will really help you to make your
customer segment better and provide it a huge growth. Today in this article we
are going to analyze the customer segment in the loyalty behavior of business.
If you wanna, want to know how important a customer is for business and a
proven ways to make loyal customers then just read this article carefully and
follow the important steps provided here.
Being a business person you are already familiar with
customer’s importance in business and I know you wanted to grow your business
more faster than it is going. Well we all know for a good business growth we
need a huge customers community interacted to our business directly or
indirectly and it is necessary for all types of business. Whether you are in B2B or B2C you need customers to grow,
so what makes a really customer interested to your business? Is it good product
or good showcase? Well I think a customer will only respond to your business
when he/she have a well trust value on you. In a business language it is loyalty by customer for your business.
Today we gonna talk more deeply on customer loyalty and its importance. Let’s
start this amazing journey by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
What is a
loyal customer?
A loyal customer is
defined to that customer’s segment which trusts on your business even more than
any other business in your industry. It is that part of segment which follow your business from
there deep hearts and for a business they are also known to be retained
customer or regular customer. But what makes a customer to transform into loyal
As per the data and recent studies on customer behavior it
has been clear that most of business customer engage with those businesses from
where they feel a personal connection between businesses. Here we can say that “A good trust on your product or related
something” now it can be clear that our product line should be maintained
properly and it has a good qualities to attract customers. But really a good
product matters more, well I think “No” there is huge part of product which
matters but a branding could do more. We can take an example of Apple iphones and other companies
Smartphone even we can see this in many other industries just like Apple. But what makes an Apple to stand as a brand? Well no doubt with
its quality and service line provided to their customer. Apple always tries to
better its performance and service so their customer would feel a great. Here
we can learn the importance of branding and quality services as like Apple to
stand as a brand. So the most important step you have to take is to better your
services and quality in your business. I know this can’t be easy even Apple has
taken more than 10 years to stand as a brand but you can do it more quickly
because the era has changed and the better technology is back-end there. So the
first step to engage a loyal customer is making a good quality product with
amazing services for customer.
Till now we have understood the importance of quality product
and services, now it’s time for 3 important steps which can be more powerful to
engage new customer.
1. Transparency
2. Share your values
3. Over delivered
Transparency: A customer is the key for your
business and a good relationship can help you to grow more. But what makes a
good relationship between you and your customer, its transparency your customer
should have to know everything about your good product and service. You have to
take some action regarding it, to make clear that your product is trust-able,
No-one wanna by something which he/she doesn’t have trust. Just imagine a
situation you wanna new Smartphone for your personal use and you are going to
buy it today from shop. But in a market a stranger comes and try to sell a new
Smartphone for a cheaper price at a road side, So do you wanna buy it! Off course
not even you know you get a good deal but you don’t have any trust on it.
Whether a Smartphone is stolen or something else. As like this if there is no
transparency between your product and customers so how they gonna buy it? No-one wants something which they don’t have
Share your values: An instant way to connect an
emotional touch with your customer. It has been seen that when a customer
understands the value of your product, the tendency to buy it becomes doubled.
Try to share your company values with your customer, let him know how safety
precautions you take to make these products. It could be harder for you but
trust me it’s a good way to build loyalty. Sharing your thoughts, sharing
experiences and more with customers will give an emotional touch and your
business gets a good growth. Many new businesses don’t understand these point
and they got stucked after sometime. Either they failed up or shutdowns.
Over delivered: Amazing concept which can grow your
relationship with customer more better. It’s a type of surprised moment or wow
moment for your customers. Just imagine you were expecting 80% in board results
and you got 90%! How a surprising moment would be? It has seen in studies that
when you get more as from your expectance, you feel more enthusiastic and more
attracted towards it. You can to do it, in your business by over delivering or
doing something beyond expectance.
These were the 3 key points for
making good loyal customers for your kind businesses. Get more on our YouTube channel
Keep watching and stay active with
your business, have a good day and better future for you.
Thank you!
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