Do you know
Even our future is also based on our brain activity and it's development.
Our life is totally dependent on our brain without it we can't do anything.
So if it is that much important then think about a question - if someone distracts your mind,then what happens.Your life can be change totally.You can broked either you can be anything which nobody's like.So is there anything which we can do-To ensure our brain on right path.
Well the answer to this question is Yes Absolutely you can do it.
Let's us find out list of things which we can do-to make our brain come on right path.
Hey Readers,
A very warm greeting to you and all.Today in this article we are going to discuss about our brain and
How can we ensure our brain on right path by doing some exercise.
Ready for it!
Let's start it !
We all know about our brain and its power.It is totally unique in this whole universe.Till now none of any species except human have been developed who had changed the whole ecosystem.When it is that much powerful so it can do anything! whether it's correct or wrong.
One of the best example for that is Sir Einstein- He has well developed brain.Even none of any humans Brain was that much powerful.But Even you can have the same brain quality,
if you do the same what he had done.
Just think about it-
Why not to understand it in better way.Through science it can be possible.So why not to take a little look to it,and then we shall start with a excercise.
As per the science our brain is divided in two parts.logical and illogical brain- You can see it as conscious and unconscious mind.Our conscious mind help us to think in logical way and our unconscious mind is full of experience for the decesion making.Because our most of the decesion are taken by it.So if we try to create some programs in
unconscious mind which can help us to develop ourselve and take better decesion for life.Most of the successful people do the same with their mind.So they get the better results for it.Even Einstein do the same.
So why don't we?
It's too simple to make programs and store it in unconscious mind with a little bit of excercise.So today we are going to tell you some helpful excercise,which will help you to make programs.
List of some excercise for the brain development.
1] Learning something new everyday
2] Solving puzzles
3] Reading something everyday
4] Doing same work in different ways
5] Public speaking
6] Brain storming
7] Thinking for solutions in easy manner
8] Gratitude
9] writing something
10] Starting something new
Here you can try anything but do careful you have to do it regularly because a continuous development and process is required to make anything possible.So always be positive and learn to have more in life.
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Awesome tips