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5 Reasons for Facebook ads failure | Facebook ads


5 Reasons for Facebook ads failure

Facebook is huge communities of people get together by sharing relevant lifestyle and more on it. There are millions of people around the globe who are involved in Facebook and using it as a daily lifestyle. The Facebook trends in India is almost on the top, since its majority user are below 40 years and we all know that India is a youth population centric country so more and more business are involving on Facebook. So what does it mean? Let’s crack these all questions together!

Why small businesses have to come on Facebook?

Since it is a time of virtual world and more and more people are participating here and Facebook is one of the leading platform for these people so why not to target them as a customer for your business. I know this couldn’t sound goods but the fact is more and more business are doing these for their customer so why not you? If you’re agreed for this, then the next step would be advertisement and if you gonna do it same as other businesses are doing then remember my lines “you can’t be successed here” Everyone is dong same mistake for repeated times and not getting the results. So for that we are here with 5 reasons for Facebook ads failure:

5 Reasons are as follow:

1.    COVERIMAGE: Coverimage is an important part for your Facebook ads campaign. It is the first part to interact with your customer and many of businesses are not healing its power. Since you can too analyze the importance of first impression so why not to make it better?

2.    HEADLINE: You can call it as tagline or headline would be perfect but what makes a great into excellent a great headline would be perfect example for this, let’s analyze via newspaper “you or your surrounded people could have readen newspaper” But do you ever notice your first impression, its headline! Same with ads campaign too, A great headline would be perfect but excellent could perform better.

3.    CTR or signup: Call-to-action button and signup form works for lead generation in ads campaign but what key related points should be covered here, since here your customers has to perform the action for personal information so you need to care that you ask relevant points which he/she feels to share with you. Overloaded information can disrupt your lead performance.

4.    Landing page: It has seen that many businesses try to promote their product in first impression and that’s the reason for failure too. A good trust-able landing page is for signup form or lead generation in your ad campaign so you need to worry about that, try to share values which makes your customers to feel better. No overloaded advertisement in your landing page!

5.   Feedback: one of the important steps which many businesses avoid and if you too, then accept for same here..You need to care for your customers points let them give a chance to raise their needs..

Get all this information in video on WACMEDIYA!                      






What are the benefits for making loyal customer for your business?



Customers are the main factor for any business, making a new and loyal customer is one the biggest goal for any business. No matter whether your business is small or big, there is always a need of new or existing customer but it has been seen in most of business that there is always a trend of making new customer. We all know how important a customer is for business? Whether it is vegetable vendor at a road side or an IT company in Silicon Valley. But what do we get from different reports and researched data by business universities will really help you to make your customer segment better and provide it a huge growth. Today in this article we are going to analyze the customer segment in the loyalty behavior of business. If you wanna, want to know how important a customer is for business and a proven ways to make loyal customers then just read this article carefully and follow the important steps provided here.


Being a business person you are already familiar with customer’s importance in business and I know you wanted to grow your business more faster than it is going. Well we all know for a good business growth we need a huge customers community interacted to our business directly or indirectly and it is necessary for all types of business. Whether you are in B2B or B2C you need customers to grow, so what makes a really customer interested to your business? Is it good product or good showcase? Well I think a customer will only respond to your business when he/she have a well trust value on you. In a business language it is loyalty by customer for your business. Today we gonna talk more deeply on customer loyalty and its importance. Let’s start this amazing journey by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

What is a loyal customer?

A loyal customer is defined to that customer’s segment which trusts on your business even more than any other business in your industry. It is that part of segment which follow your business from there deep hearts and for a business they are also known to be retained customer or regular customer. But what makes a customer to transform into loyal customer?

As per the data and recent studies on customer behavior it has been clear that most of business customer engage with those businesses from where they feel a personal connection between businesses. Here we can say that “A good trust on your product or related something” now it can be clear that our product line should be maintained properly and it has a good qualities to attract customers. But really a good product matters more, well I think “No” there is huge part of product which matters but a branding could do more. We can take an example of Apple iphones and other companies Smartphone even we can see this in many other industries just like Apple. But what makes an Apple to stand as a brand? Well no doubt with its quality and service line provided to their customer. Apple always tries to better its performance and service so their customer would feel a great. Here we can learn the importance of branding and quality services as like Apple to stand as a brand. So the most important step you have to take is to better your services and quality in your business. I know this can’t be easy even Apple has taken more than 10 years to stand as a brand but you can do it more quickly because the era has changed and the better technology is back-end there. So the first step to engage a loyal customer is making a good quality product with amazing services for customer.

Till now we have understood the importance of quality product and services, now it’s time for 3 important steps which can be more powerful to engage new customer.




1.    Transparency

2.    Share your values

3.    Over delivered


·       Transparency: A customer is the key for your business and a good relationship can help you to grow more. But what makes a good relationship between you and your customer, its transparency your customer should have to know everything about your good product and service. You have to take some action regarding it, to make clear that your product is trust-able, No-one wanna by something which he/she doesn’t have trust. Just imagine a situation you wanna new Smartphone for your personal use and you are going to buy it today from shop. But in a market a stranger comes and try to sell a new Smartphone for a cheaper price at a road side, So do you wanna buy it! Off course not even you know you get a good deal but you don’t have any trust on it. Whether a Smartphone is stolen or something else. As like this if there is no transparency between your product and customers so how they gonna buy it?  No-one wants something which they don’t have trust.


·       Share your values: An instant way to connect an emotional touch with your customer. It has been seen that when a customer understands the value of your product, the tendency to buy it becomes doubled. Try to share your company values with your customer, let him know how safety precautions you take to make these products. It could be harder for you but trust me it’s a good way to build loyalty. Sharing your thoughts, sharing experiences and more with customers will give an emotional touch and your business gets a good growth. Many new businesses don’t understand these point and they got stucked after sometime. Either they failed up or shutdowns.



·       Over delivered: Amazing concept which can grow your relationship with customer more better. It’s a type of surprised moment or wow moment for your customers. Just imagine you were expecting 80% in board results and you got 90%! How a surprising moment would be? It has seen in studies that when you get more as from your expectance, you feel more enthusiastic and more attracted towards it. You can to do it, in your business by over delivering or doing something beyond expectance.

These were the 3 key points for making good loyal customers for your kind businesses. Get more on our YouTube channel

Keep watching and stay active with your business, have a good day and better future for you.

Thank you!




What my future holds? | No one knows....



An amazing journey toward life and its beautiful future, no one knows what future could be? Accept one! The future itself. An amazing topic for today itself and in future could be! Hello reader lets dive in future and get some benefit from it. Today I’m here with an interesting knowledge by itself and for you too. We all are too curious to know our future, but it couldn’t be possible and I think it must be. So what could be best to fulfill this desire, I think there are several ways which can help you, but what exactly I’m conveying here! Let’s start from that an amazing journey of future and let me introduce you, this topic in vast and get revealed the all secret behind it.


Guys we all are too curious to know our future, like what could be I am in future, whether I will achieve my dreams? Whether I could be successful or not, etc. but let me tell you that no one on earth can tell you about your future till now! So what should be the solution for this question, because as much as I know there is a solution for every question whether it’s a worthwhile or not? As per my researched data on many case studies of successful people and many more who were not successed, and with the reference to American universities reports I concluded with an answer of this question:

There are many examples on earth which can explain you this question very easily, by observing natural environment, your surroundings, our nature, etc can give you the reference related to this question. So what it could be lets go in a deep of this question and understand it in a better sense: “NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT” A simple mean we got here is that we can’t conclude what future could be, whether it should bad or good but when you thought about this question you gotta a scared to it just because off negativity in your surroundings. But when you replace the thought process in positive sense or positive environment then you gotta excited because you know till know I’m getting good vibe so in future too I could get a good one and that’s how you fulfill this desire.

According to researched data- scientist concluded that “whatever we think for, whether it’s good or bad, whether it’s exciting or bore – it comes true” most of the successful people and great speakers too accepts that “whatever you think it off, the next you will be” when you think for positive you get positive results and in opposite if you are on negative then just get ready to face the problem. Here it doesn’t mean positive one will not face the problem, they will! But with the power of positiveness they will kill it off. So what you should get here is to stay positive, think for good one and do the work required just that’s it. Now the answer to this question becomes easy when you get the sense of positive environment. You can check it out our recent article for different ways to stay positive “think to positive” and peel it off.

Well know you get to know that positivity can make it, but what’s the inside process behind the thought, well as per the scientist observation when you feel positivity “inside your body different chemical reactions take place, this reactions help your brain to think good, expect for good and that’s how your brain instruct your different body parts to work on it “and you get the result. Sometimes the results are not like that but with the positive energy you make it off for next time. So practice positivity and get the good results as expected.  We all know till now that “whatever we expect that’s what we get” but it doesn’t mean just waste your precious time for thinking whole day and take rest it doesn’t work at all. You have to work for it; I assure you that when you think for positive your mind will pop-up the work related to it. You just have to do that and that’s it and always hopes for best.

So now I wanna ask you a simple question “could you get the answer of this question” if yes then just comment us with a positive message.

Thank you for being here till now I wish I have answered your question very well just do subscribe to our newsletter for instant notification of our new interesting blog.

Thank you again!




Think positive to make positive | positive vibes


            A way to think positive

There is a lot of negativity in our outer space or we can say it  as an outer environment and in our inner space which is an our mind, but could we have a power to control it? YES absolutely we can control it because; we are humans we have a power to think. So what’s the thing is stopping you? Let’s discuss this topic in deep because I think as an Entrepreneur we have to stay away from negativity and it is necessary for all to. So why not discuss about the various ways to think positive, you can to contribute in this article by your amazing comment to stay positive, today in this article we are going to see the different ways to think positive and to get stay away from negativity.

Let’s start it with a simple quote -“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”


Guys believe or not! A positive mind, smiles more, live more and enjoy more as compare to negative one and you will shock if I will tell you that more than 90% of human stay negative in their most of the life time. According to various research conducted on this topic, most of it has a same conclusion “A positive one live more and enjoy more as compare to negative one. So what does the really positive mean for? Is it to stay happy or something else well the answer is correct a positive means to stay happy think good and accept for the best, because no one knows what the future is! But definitely we have the power to change it! Guys I know you are surrounded with more negative energy as compare to positive one but you can change it with some simple and extraordinary easy steps. Let’s see the positive vibe step for it- friends just notice your environment in which you live; your family, friends, outer world, and the way you spend your time, the things you do, listen, each and everything and make a list for it. Now watch it carefully and list the things which are mostly filled with negative one. Now try to make some steps to ignore it or ignore it for the rest. It’s too easy step you can do it easily. Now do one more thing just check out the productive work from your list make it separate because it’s important to you. A productive one means which has an economy relation to your life. You can ignore it further slowly! That’s the simple step 1 for throwing out negative energy from our life. Now the positive times begin.

Let’s check out the ways from where you can gain positive energy and stay happy for the rest.

Positive ways to think positive         

1.    Meditation: It’s a first step to calm your inner mind and make a good space for positive energy. Do it for 20 minutes daily in outer calm environment or in your house.

2.    Read books: The simple way to gain positive vibe from successful people and to calm your mind.

3.    Videos: watching motivational inspirational videos like speeches, positive vibes, music, etc. I will recommend YouTube because it is filled with too much of knowledge.

4.    Gratitude: Gratitude works faster and more effective as compare to any effective ways here.

5.    Walking: A simple and effective way to stay positive is walking, walk for a mile daily and feel the outer space.

6.    Music:  A good music can calm your mind and help to stay away from negativity but do remember don’t go with a sad one.

7.    Dance: an easiest way to stay happy is dance, just feel the music and do what you know about dancing because most us don’t know the proper steps. But believe me it works faster!

8.    Exercise: One of my favorite because it makes you fit and gives you the power of activeness for the whole day. Sir Richard Branson has recommended this step for activeness in his book “Virginity”

9.    Talking: A good conversation with your positive friend can help you a lot to think positive.

That’s all friend this all are some simple ways to think positive and live happy. You too can contribute in our article with a beautiful comment. Thanks for having last and if you like it does share the article and subscribe to our newsletter for more benefits.


Goal setting | how to set goals


The goals setting

Hello one and all let me start this article with a simple question - Do you know about the goal setting and its amazing power? I know most of you are familiar with the word “GOAL” but do you really know about it? Looks interesting naa! Just stay connects with us and let’s understands the whole theory behind goal setting and its amazing power. Let me start with interesting quotes about goal setting “a letter without address will reach no were,” similarly with the goal “a man will reach no were without a goal” that mean goal is to important so let’s start with a basic and further we understand whole.


A common man has many dreams in life; whether its night dream or day dream but do they really want to achieve it. I think most of us will answer yes but do they really work for it! Or do they try to make some strategies for it – “no” but why I’m talking about on this topic well I think it starts from dream so it really matter. A goal is set when you have some dream and you are passionate to achieve it. So what do you think a goal is just for career option like you wanna be something commonly called engineers,doctors,etc.No definitely your goal might to be a doctor,engineers,etc but a goal is for something that you want in life. It might be good home, car, luxury life or smaller to pen. You can make anything with goal setting. But what you need to consider is process behind goal setting and I make you assure that you will achieve but thing matter is your struggle and handwork behind the process. So till now you have understood about goal in simple words we can recall it as “a dream or desire which we want to achieve in future with a clear road map”.

Let me make you feel better with a clear example – “let’s assume that you need a bike in future and you make it as a goal, so the process it required to achieve a bike is considered to be road map like first of all you required to choose a bike. Then its price and the way you get that amount are all included in one term road map.

So the question stands here that – “Did everything could be consider as a goal, like the unwanted dreams, or something which is vulnerable?” the simple answer is No you can’t consider anything as a goal till it satisfy the needs. Here you have to go with smart goals formula –


S: specific

M: measurable

A: attainable

R: realistic

T: timely


Let’s go with goals setting formula:

Now you all have well known to goal, now its time to setup – a step by step process with an example. it will help you to set your first goal too. Let me tell you that this formula is really working formula and many successful people have achieved many things from it.

The setup to goal setting:

Example: let’s assume that person A wanna something like car and he want it within years but not specified

Step 1: First of all you have to set goal like person A

Step 2: Try to get the color picture of it and frame it with a fix valid time, it could be 2-4 months like persona A has to setup the color picture of car and frame it with a clear fixed date

Step 3: Now fixed the frame in front of your bedroom or somewhere where you always spend most of your time, it could be above the TV or anywhere. E.g. Person A has fixed the frame in front of his cabin where he spends most of his time.

Step 4: Now take a paper and wrote 10 things that you have to do, to achieve your goal like person A has written; work hard, extra work, second source of income, savings, budgets, etc

Step 5: publicized your goal with 10 people and tell them the date e.g. person A has announced in his office that he will buy a new car in next 2 months.

Step 6: Start working on paper list and let the nature decide your future.

That’s it guys you just have to follow these simple 6 steps and do one more thing make a punishment list on daily basis for your work. Friends I have tried this formula and it really work but the thing matter is your passion, struggle,patience and discipline.

Guys this formula has tried by many successful people but they don’t reveal their secrets that’s it so just understand the power off formula and start working from today.


If you like our article then does a comment with your goal and please shares it if you can!

Thank you

The amazing power of books | The power of books - wac

The wisdom store,the knowledge mall and the creativity world,Can you guess what I'm talking about- it's books! The amazing way to communicate from author minds to reader one...Have you ever imagined the power of books? If not yet then read this article till end---
The amazing power of books:

Whenever I tried to talk about on this topic I got lots of idea,it's my favourite one- let me tell you some amazing power of books and then some tricks which will really helpful in reading books!

We all have readen many books till know, whether you are students or older grandpa,but do you ever recognized it's special power which will change your whole life ? Not yet,No problem let's dig it!
Let's me begin this article with simple question-
What does a really book mean?

You all have different answer or similar one,I don't know but I think a book really mean for the way or mode of communication between author one to reader.In another word it's like a life journey story or some fictional imagination or experience of knowledge,etc.But the thing I concluded Common in every books is different- when you tried to read a simple book,let me take a example of autobiography of Richard Branson: Virginity and other books like biography of Steve jobs,etc- You will find one thing Common these books showcase an idea of living environment of these characters.You will find difficulties,the joy moment and the other one's too in your world.
Not just with biography or autobiography,
You will find the same in other books too,
Have you ever noticed the words written in books- they are well planned they acts in real manner,You feel it whenever you think about these words you will get a glimpse of whole summary of these particular books.
Not yet imagined what I'm talking about?
Well let me go with the amazing power of books which you will feel after reading some amazing books which I will recommend you in last...
So what could be the amazing power of books:
The imagination: whenever you will read books,not for few minutes then you will get the feel of something real in the world.You get an idea about their situation,You imagined one and everything that is present in real world..But what does it really mean for? For the answer of this question you need to know about imagination power - according to success people imagination is the First step towards success.
Let me  get you this in one question...Do you know how many times a Taj Mahal was made up ?
Everyone has similar answer one and only one time! But that's wrong it was madeup 2 times but how ? First in the imaginary world and then the real one... Just think about it if the creator doesn't imagined the Taj Mahal he could be able to made it...
Similarly when you read books you get a imagination power ... Which will help you to imagine anything and everything which could be best in the rest... Every invention that changed the world whether it is ... aeroplane,lightbulb,a pin or anything was first made in imaginary world and then in real world....

The another amazing power of books that could really help you is-
The wisdom, knowledge or creativity:
I know these all mean different but whenever you read a books you get a whole wisdom, knowledge and the experience that the author felt in his life in just few pages.. So can't you get benefited with it... Absolutely you will ..  You can use these all in your life and implement it as you want..But the main thing I learned from books is Discipline.
Books can taught you anything..It just need a formal way of attention in discipline manner..When you learnt discipline you learnt everything.. because according to great thinkers...
A man without Discipline is like a ship without radar...
You didn't get an idea where to move ...

Now the things I concluded till know ...You too can enjoy book reading and learn anything that can help you in your goal statement...
Guys one of the main secret behind success is just read it one and everything you want...

So do you need a list of books which will really help you...then just Click here

10 useful life lessons from an 90 year old man | Albert Einstein

Guys our life is to short and simple.We take many decesions according to situation we face in our life journey.They are whether right or wrong,mostly wrong decesions.This happens just because of no guidance in life.We all need somebody to guide in our life whether he/she is alive or not? But most of us don't have mentors in life due to which we were stucked in this beautiful life game.
So what's the solution for that?
Hey Readers,
A very warm greeting to you and all.Today we here with 10 beautiful life lessons from an old man which will guide you in any situation of your life.We all need someone suggestion to walk on right path in life journey and for that we need someone who has well experienced.Hence we are here with 10 life lessons from an old man who is known for his beautiful work.
Introduction to an old man:
Guys I'm talking about a 90 year old man who is no more in this world but known for his work in 18th century.Today I'm talking about sir Elbert Einstein who is know for his brain and many patents.Guys we all know he was an Great scientists of 18th century. There are many books based on his life and As per our research he has given some beautiful reference to live life.We are going to present 10 of them which will really help you in your life journey.

Life journey:
Friends we all have a great long journey for life.we live in this beautiful era of 21st century.There are so much opportunitys and competiton in the market.We all are competing here for best.But is this the only way to live our life.No guys I know it's important but there are other things too.Do you know friends
God has created this beautiful world for our us.We all have same life journey according to nature.some of us enjoy it and some us don't.Most of us concentrate on problems and that's make the difference between us an 1% theory.But we can tackle it through guidance.If we are on right track and doing hard to make the difference.Chasing our dreams to live happy.I know you all are well concentrate on your goals but this lessons will really help you and boost your performance.

10 life lessons from an 90 year old man:

* Life is too short,enjoy every single moment.
* Live your life like a free bird.
* Take decesion and make it right.
* There is no comparison for you because you are unique.
* Stress is short.
* Always smile because it's too less.
* Nothing is permanent.
* Always explore new.
* Make good relations.
* Live your own company.

These are some references from Sir Albert Einsteins journey.You all can implement it and I'm damn sure these references work in our life.
Guys we all know we have just one and only life,so why don't we enjoy it.I know most us will not follow these and that's make the difference too between 1% and 99 one.

That's all friends thanks for watching till last.I hope this article will really help you and make you a great gentle one.


  • Bill GatesFounder of microsoft
  • Ratan tataFounder of tata group
  • Steve jobsFounder of apple/pixar
  • Elon MuskFounder of tesla
  • Jeff bezosFounder of amazon
  • Mark zuckerbergFounder of facebook